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Groupworld conference rooms now use 100% size by defaultWindows touchscreens now supported
Groupboard Android app now has in-app purchasing and user-configurable size
We have moved to a new server!
Groupworld android app now has upload image picker
Ability to delete directories from hosted Groupworld manager
Share Video option in Groupworld
Groupworld conference rooms now use 100% size by default
We have added a 100% sizing option to Groupworld, so that the conference room fills the entire browser window (and changes size as you change the browser window size). All rooms are now 100% size by default. If you are using the hosted version, you will need to change the width and height of existing rooms from 995 and 570 to 100% in the hosted Groupworld control panel if you want your rooms to be 100% size.
To see an example of the new rooms, go to:
Groupworld Conference Room DemoWindows touchscreens now supported
Both Groupboard and Groupworld now support Windows touchscreens, such as the Surface Pro. Previously you could only draw on these devices using a mouse when using Groupboard/Groupworld, but now you can draw onto the touch-screen directly.
Groupboard Android app now has in-app purchasing and user-configurable size
You can now make in-app purchases in the Groupboard Android app to remove adverts or upgrade to infinite drawing area. Both items cost $0.99 (or equivalent) and apply to all rooms.
Groupboard Android AppWe have also added the ability to specify the size of the whiteboard in the Options screen. Just enter values for width and height (in pixels), and the whiteboard will be set to that size (and you can zoom in as necessary).
We have moved to a new server! and are now hosted on a new dedicated server from OVH. The new server has RAID and DDoS protection for improved reliability, as well as being more powerful.
Groupworld android app now has upload image picker
We recently updated the Groupworld android app so that it now has an image picker for uploading images or documents to the whiteboard. This provides a more intuitive way of uploading images, rather than using the file chooser.
Groupworld Android AppAbility to delete directories from hosted Groupworld manager
You can now delete entire directories in the hosted Groupworld control panel, making it easier to manage your stored files and recordings.
Unicode support in Groupworld HTML5 client
The HTML5 version of Groupworld now supports Unicode characters, so you can now enter text in any language in the whiteboard, chat, or in filenames. The plugin version of Groupworld, and Groupboard, already support Unicode.
Share Video option in Groupworld
You can now optionally add a "Share Video" button to Groupworld, allowing you to share youtube videos. This option is available in the hosted Groupworld control panel when editing the room.
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